MYP Programme Model
The MYP curriculum puts the learner at the heart of their own learning and encourages them to make practical connections between all parts of their studies as well as making links to the world around them. This is facilitated through the following features of the programme:
Concept-driven curriculum
MYP Key and Related concepts
The MYP is a three dimensional programme focusing on concepts, knowledge and skills.
A concept is a big idea—a principle that is enduring, the significance of which goes beyond aspects such as particular origins, subject matter or place in time. Concepts represent the vehicle for students’ inquiry into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance, providing the means by which the essence of a subject can be explored. The MYP identifies prescribed key concepts and related concepts. These concepts ensure the development of a rigorous curriculum and promote a shared community of practice among IB World Schools offering the MYP. A concept-based model is used in the MYP because it encourages students to:
• process factual knowledge at a deeper intellectual level as they relate the facts to concepts and essential conceptual understandings;
• create personal relevance, as students relate new knowledge to prior knowledge, and encourage understanding of cultures and environments across global contexts through the transfer of knowledge;
• bring their personal intellect to the study as they use a key concept to personally focus on the unit topic in order to increase motivation for learning;
• increase fluency as students use a common language to articulate their deeper conceptual learning;
• achieve higher levels of critical, creative and conceptual thinking as students analyze complex global challenges through the study of discipline-specific related concepts.
Global Contexts
Why are we learning this?
There are many different things that one would need to understand in order to understand the world. All of these things can be broken down in to six categories, known as the Global Contexts. Units of work in all subjects allow students to explore one of the Global Contexts.
Global Contexts are designed to encourage the students to make worthwhile connections between the real world and classroom learning. Through their learning of subject concepts, students will come to a better understanding of a Global Context.
When teachers select a global context for learning, they are answering the following questions.
• Why are we engaged in this inquiry?
• Why are these concepts important?
• Why is it important for me to understand?
• Why do people care about this topic?
The six MYP Global Contexts inspire explorations of our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. They invite reflection on local, national and global communities, as well as the real-life issues and concerns. Over the course of their study, students will explore all six Global Contexts on multiple occasions and in different subjects.
Identities and relationships
Who we are: an inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
Orientation in space and time
Where we are in place and time: an inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
Personal and cultural expression
How we express ourselves: an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Scientific and technical innovation
How the world works: an inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
Globalization and sustainability
How we organize ourselves: an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.
Fairness and development
Sharing the planet: an inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
MYP Subject Groups
A wide range of disciplines from 8 subject groups are taught concurrently at Dunya School. At least 50 hours of teaching time in a year for each subject group is required.
Group 1: Language and Literature
Offered in: English, Azerbaijani, Russian
4 (Azerbaijani/Russian) / 5 (English) hours a week
All our students are required to take at least two languages. One of these has to be a Language and Literature course. Language & Literature is either a student’s mother tongue language or one in which he/she has near-native proficiency. Students who reach beyond phase 4 in an LA course are eligible to transfer to Language and Literature in the same language.
The aims of MYP language and literature are to encourage and enable students to:
• use language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, reflection, learning, self-expression, analysis and social interaction
• develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting in a variety of contexts
• develop critical, creative and personal approaches to studying and analysing literary and non-literary texts
• engage with text from different historical periods and a variety of cultures
• explore and analyse aspects of personal, host and other cultures through literary and non-literary texts
• explore language through a variety of media and modes
• develop a lifelong interest in reading
• apply linguistic and literary concepts and skills in a variety of authentic contexts.
Group 2: Language Acquisition
Offered in: English, Azerbaijani, German, French, Russian
3 (MYP 1, 2, 3) / 4 (MYP 4) hours a week
LA English |
LA German / French / Russian |
Official / Host-country language Azerbaijani LA |
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
Integrated Humanities – MYP 1, 2, 3 (4 hours)
History / Geography – MYP 4 (2 hours each)
The aims of MYP individuals and societies are to encourage and enable students to:
• appreciate human and environmental commonalities and diversity
• understand the interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies and the environment
• understand how both environmental and human systems operate and evolve
• identify and develop concern for the well-being of human communities and the natural environment
• act as responsible citizens of local and global communities
• develop inquiry skills that lead towards conceptual understandings of the relationships between individuals, societies and the environments in which they live.
Group 4: Sciences
Integrated Sciences – MYP 1, 2 (4 hours)
Biology / Chemistry / Physics – MYP 3, 4 (2-3 hours each)
The aims of MYP sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
• understand and appreciate science and its implications
• consider science as a human endeavour with benefits and limitations
• cultivate analytical, inquiring and flexible minds that pose questions, solve problems, construct explanations and judge arguments
• develop skills to design and perform investigations, evaluate evidence and reach conclusions
• build an awareness of the need to effectively collaborate and communicate
• apply language skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts
• develop sensitivity towards the living and non-living environments
• reflect on learning experiences and make informed choices.
Group 5: Mathematics
MYP 1-4
Offered 6 hours a week
MYP mathematics provides a framework of concepts and skills organized into the following four branches of mathematics:
• number
• algebra
• geometry and trigonometry
• statistics and probability
MYP mathematics aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics, as well as to prepare those students who will use mathematics in their workplace and life in general.
The aims of MYP mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:
• enjoy mathematics, develop curiosity and begin to appreciate its elegance and power
• develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics
• communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts
• develop logical, critical and creative thinking
• develop confidence, perseverance, and independence in mathematical thinking and problem-solving
• develop powers of generalization and abstraction
• apply and transfer skills to a wide range of real-life situations, other areas of knowledge and future developments
• appreciate how developments in technology and mathematics have influenced each other
• appreciate the moral, social and ethical implications arising from the work of mathematicians and the applications of mathematics
• appreciate the international dimension in mathematics through an awareness of the universality of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives
• appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other areas of knowledge
• develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics
• develop the ability to reflect critically upon their own work and the work of others.
Group 6: Arts
Visual Arts – MYP 1-3
Offered 2 hours a week
In MYP 4, students have the option to take courses from six of the eight subject groups, which provides greater flexibility. At Dunya School, we offer subjects from Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics and Design subject groups in MYP 4.
Visual Arts is offered during the first three years of MYP.
The aims of MYP Arts are to encourage and enable students to:
• create and present art
• develop skills specific to the discipline
• engage in a process of creative exploration and (self-)discovery
• make purposeful connections between investigation and practice
• understand the relationship between art and its contexts
• respond to and reflect on art
• deepen their understanding of the world.
Group 7: Design
MYP 1-4
Offered 2 hours a week
The aims of MYP Design are to encourage and enable students to:
• enjoy the design process, develop an appreciation of its elegance and power
• develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and create solutions to problems using the design cycle
• use and apply technology effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, model and create solutions, and to solve problems
• develop an appreciation of the impact of design innovations for life, global society and environments
• appreciate past, present and emerging design within cultural, political, social, historical and environmental contexts
• develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems
• act with integrity and honesty, and take responsibility for their own actions developing effective working practices.
Group 8: Physical and Health Education
MYP 1-4
Offered 2 hours a week
In MYP 4, students have the option to take courses from six of the eight subject groups, which provides greater flexibility. At Dunya School, we offer subjects from Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics and Design and Physical and Health Education subject groups in MYP 4.
The aims of MYP PHE are to encourage and enable students to:
• use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts
• participate effectively in a variety of contexts
• understand the value of physical activity
• achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle
• collaborate and communicate effectively
• build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility
• reflect on their learning experiences.